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Step 1: Front Cover

Choose a photo from our library

Enter your own (or leave blank):
40 characters left
Or click a suggestion:

Choosing Your Image

We have a number of professionally designed images for you to choose from. Simply click on the link to the left ('choose a photo from our library') to get started. Hover your mouse over the 'Change Gallery' menu to browse our full library. When you're ready to choose a photo, hover your mouse over it and click on the tick.


A sample layout of the front cover is shown below.

Example of Front Cover


If you wish to have a custom piece of artwork created, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Step 1: Front Cover

Select the front cover image and text.

Step 2: Back Side

Upload picture and enter details.

Step 3: Order details

Select quantities and place order

Step 4: Confirm & Order

Check the order details and prices and submit order.